Calendar calculations

  • Day of the week (Gregorian)
  • Day of the week (Julian)
  • Difference between Julian and Gregorian calendar
  • Easter Sunday in the given year (years 1582–2399)
  • Is the given year a leap year (Gregorian and Julian calendar)?
  • Please enter the desired date

    Centuries 19 for 1980, 4 for 476
    Years in the century 80 for 1980, 76 for 476

    © CC BY-SA, 2001-2014, Th. Tunsch
    Formel von Ch. Zeller (Butkewitsch, A. W.; Selikson, M. S.: Ewige Kalender. - Leipzig: BSB B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987 (5., überarb. Aufl.). - S. 87), Osterformel nach: Schlag nach: Natur. - Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1954. - S. 86



updated: 26-01-2022